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POSITION DETAILS: RO-06 National Program Specialist
RATES OF PAY: To review rates of pay for all classifications listed in the Career Competency Tool (CCT), visit the website of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat .
REGIONS (click here to view the Canadian Coast Guard regions map)
National Headquarters: The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) National Headquarters is located in Ottawa, Ontario.
Marine Communications and Traffic Services Certificate
KNOWLEDGE ELEMENTS: Knowledge elements are practical or theoretical understanding of a subject. It is the information you need (from past experience or education) to succeed in the position. LEVEL
Organizational Knowledge 5
Program Knowledge and Application 3
Incident Command System (ICS) Knowledge 3
Marine Domain Awareness Knowledge 3
Acts and Regulations Knowledge 5
Search and Rescue (SAR) Knowledge 3
Sensory Equipment Knowledge 3
TECHNICAL ELEMENTS: Technical elements describe abilities to apply knowledge to efficiently perform the job. LEVEL
Project/Program Management 4
Planning and Priority Setting 3
Procurement and Purchasing 3
Workforce Management (HR) for Supervisors/Managers 3
Financial Management for Supervisors/Managers 3
Materiel Management 3
Search and Rescue (SAR) 2
BEHAVIOURAL ELEMENTS: Behaviour elements are the behaviours or attitudes needed for any job with the Canadian Coast Guard. We identified 7 and included a level of competency required for each job. LEVEL
Demonstrating Integrity and Respect 4
Thinking Things Through 4
Working Effectively With Others 4
Showing Initiative and Being Action Oriented 4
Apply Safety Considerations 2
Leadership 4
Canadian Coast Guard Culture Awareness 4